We all know the term ‘haiku’, all know the term ‘hellokoo’ but what exactly are they? What are their differences and what similarities do they share?
Haikus is their most minimal form are three-lined poems following the syllable count five, seven, five. Hellokoos follow the exact same structure but are named differently for multiple reasons.
There is a third form we must discuss to fully understand the reason hellokoos came to be and that form is Senryu poetry. Again, following the same structure as haiku and the only differentiating factor is the topic.
The primary difference is Senryus at their core are human-based and haikus are nature-based. There are grey areas but for now, they do not affect us and do not need to be taken into consideration.
In comes hellokoo and instead of trying to alter tradition, created its own history. Instead of living in the constraints of existing forms, hellokoo borrows the 5-7-5, three-line structure and are designed to allow expression within a safe container and give people a space to grow, creatively and otherwise.
They are free-flowing beyond their structure with no limitations on topic or emotion. They are made to connect a community and build the bridges within ourselves.
(5) Line one
(7) Line two
(5) Line three
As always, ask questions if you have any
I did not know that about the different poetry structures. Yea! New thing learned