Let us experience your joy
When was the last time you laughed? And not just a snicker or behind the words ‘lol’ or a laughing emoji but full belly laughed, maybe even tears streaming down your face, worried you might never breathe again. We want you to recall on these joyful memories and write hellokoos focussing on the smallest details of these moments. In some way, attempting to make laughter contagious as it so often is in the real world. The challenge is to try to transport us and allow us to experience your moment of joy, the way you felt joy during these times. And if you can’t remember the last time, recall on any time laughter occupied all of you. Also, share any back story that may be relevant. We cannot wait to share this joy with you. Check the comments for some examples from Naomi and Ash
Missed your face by miles.
T shirt wet through to the bone.
Choking on laughter.
To watch sav just launch water at herself was funnier than it should’ve been. In my defence, she laughed first.
I can’t remember/
A time I laughed so hard that/
It made my tears flow
I’ve been wracking my brain for a funny memory, but can’t seem to think of one. Of course, at my age, memories seem to fade. ☺️