But are you happy

Now that have everything

You ever wanted?

In all honesty

Was happy for a minute

Then I wanted more

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This is so self reflective of human nature. Wow. Just wow.

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This is so true!

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Very well described. I wonder what was happening in that happy minute?

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It is the highest of highs... and then... the crash.

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if you know it hurts

why do you keep doing it?

will you never learn?


I'm a mystery

full of weird contradictions

this makes me human

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Hell yeah it does. You are human. I am human. We are human. ❤️

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It’s hard to change isn’t it. I also wrote about repeating behaviours I don’t like. Thanks for your positivity though- yes we are all human.

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It’s the medicine

For bipolar disorder

So I do know why

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The side effects of medication... they can explain a lot ❤️

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I don’t know why I

Crave only sweets and candy

Not good for my weight

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Also sugar is addictive and once we have a little we crave more! 🍭

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Thanks for the insight 😊.

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How can I stop it?

My mind consumed too often

By “worst case” worries?


Flip your perspective:

What if the outcome’s the best?

It all goes just right?

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I actually wrote this when the prompt was posted earlier this month. I’m late to the party but I figure: better late than never!

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Wayyyyy better late than never! Never ever too late to share your poetry here!

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Apr 7, 2022
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Heather 👏 LOVE THIS!!! 🐆

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Thanks! The prompt made me think about a question I’m asking myself just now. How do I change old behaviour patterns?

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Heather we love this so much and we want to feature it in an upcoming email! How can we credit you? Would you like us to just put Heather? Or can we include your Instagram handle? If so, what is it...

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Thanks so much! Yes, I’m @leopardtales.

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